Not all Collagens Are Created Equal

Not all collagens are created equal, and we want to share with you the responsible and ethical practices that make our product stand out.

At That Healthy Co, we are committed to sourcing our marine collagen from wild-caught fish in Russia, using pelagic trawling fishing gear. This method is not only friendlier to the ocean, but it is also more sustainable as it targets only the intended species, leaving other marine life unharmed.

Unlike fish farms, which can have negative environmental impacts, our collagen is not sourced from fish farms. Fish farms can cause pollution, disease outbreaks, and disrupt local ecosystems. Furthermore, fish farms often rely on artificial feeds that may contain antibiotics, hormones, and other additives that can end up in the final product.

When you choose Wild Collagen Reds, you can trust that you are getting a sustainably sourced product that is free from harmful additives. Our collagen is derived from wild-caught fish and with certified organic ingredients, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

Join us in our mission to promote sustainable and responsible sourcing of marine collagen. Wild Collagen Reds is not just a collagen, its a product that inspires you to look at every other aspect of your life and choose better. Experience the difference of a premium, ethically sourced product that benefits your health and the environment. By choosing Wild Collagen Reds, you are making a conscious choice to support responsible fishing practices and protect our oceans.

Organic is also a major responsible choice.  It can be important for several reasons for health and the environment. 

  1. Reduced exposure to pesticides: Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which can be harmful to human health and the environment. Choosing organic foods can help reduce your exposure to these potentially harmful chemicals.

  2. Better animal welfare: Organic animal products, such as meat, dairy, and eggs, come from animals that are raised in more humane and natural conditions. They are typically not given antibiotics or growth hormones, and they have access to outdoor areas and are allowed to express their natural behaviours.

  3. Environmental benefits: Organic farming practices prioritise sustainability and biodiversity, promoting soil health, water conservation, and wildlife habitat preservation. Organic farmers avoid using synthetic fertilisers, which can pollute waterways, and instead rely on natural methods to improve soil fertility, such as composting and crop rotation.

  4. Healthier nutrient content: Some studies suggest that organic foods may have higher levels of certain nutrients, such as Vitamin C, iron, and magnesium, compared to conventionally grown foods. Organic farming practices, which prioritise soil health and biodiversity, can help promote nutrient-rich soils and potentially result in more nutrient-dense crops.

  5. Support for local and small-scale farmers: Organic farming often involves smaller, local farms that prioritise sustainable and regenerative practices. By choosing organic foods, you may be supporting local farmers and helping to promote a more resilient and diverse food system.

  6. Avoidance of synthetic additives: Organic processed foods, such as snacks or canned goods, are made without the use of artificial preservatives, flavours, and colours. Choosing organic processed foods can help you avoid potentially harmful synthetic additives commonly used in conventional processed foods.

Choose quality, and choose responsible. You are what you eat. 

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